Unity Script Templates

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These are a few templates to allow you to easily create scripts for Unity based games.


Add edits to the “fieldEdits” table in the following format

[1] = {
editName = “Free Clothes”,
emoji = “👖”,
edits = {
className = “ClothesOriData”,
armEdits = {0X18, 0X28},
editTo = 0,
editType = gg.TYPE_DWORD,
editIfEqual = nil
}, {
className = “ClothesOriData”,
armEdits = {0X1C, 0X28},
editTo = 0,
editType = gg.TYPE_DWORD,
editIfEqual = nil

className: is the name of the Class the Field belongs to

armEdits: is a table in this format {arm7_field_offset,arm8_field_offset}

editTo: is the value to edit the Field instances to

editType: is the type of value to edit the Field instance as

editIfEqual: use if you only want to edit fields of a certain value and or get user input for this value can bet set to
nil: if editing all Field instance
integer: for editing all Field instances of a single value
integer range: in this format 0~100 for editing all Field instance with a value in that range
text: for providing instructions to the user in a prompt asking them to specify the value to be edited


Add edits to the “methodEdits” table in the following format

[1] = {
editName = “Unlimited Ammo”,
emoji = “♾️”,
edits = {
className = “Player”,
methodName = “HasBulletsClip”,
armEdits = {{“~A MOV R0, #1”, “~A BX LR”}, {“~A8 MOV W0, #1”, “~A8 RET”}}

className: is the name of the Class the Method belongs to

methodName: is the name of the Method to edit

armEdits: is a table in this format {(arm7_lib_edits},{arm8_lib_edits}} edits can be GG assembler opcodes (~A BX LR), hex (00000000h) or reverse hex (00000000r)


This is the above 2 templates combined, make sure you have the same items in both the “methodEdits” and “fieldEdits”

If a function only has one type of edits for example “fieldEdits” and no “methodEdits” then the “methodEdits” edit table for that function should be an empty table {}

Check the last function in the script for an example.


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